Saturday 9 March 2013

Rural Subject Analysis

The highest result for the rural subject is phone. This was rated a 4. This is because the rural subject uses this method of communication the most seeing as it is the most accessable to the rural subject. (shown in blue)

The lowest results for the rural subject are gaming skype, which recived a 1. The rural subject doesn't use gaming, and doesn't have skype, and therefore doesn't use them to communicate. (shown in green)

The patterns in the data about the rural subject are that internet, food, music and school are all rated 2, and that gaming and skype are both 1. This is because the rural subject only uses the '2's sparingly and doesn't do/have the '1's.

The anomalies in the data for the rural subject are that phone is the only connection rated 4. This is because phone is the main method od communication for the rural student.

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